Salt Therapy, the common name for HaloTherapy, is a wellness practice and form of alternative medicine that is surging in popularity. 

HaloTherapy is operated as a stand-alone business as well as an additional service in spas, fitness centers, tanning salons and other businesses.  If you have been looking to diversify the services you offer this course will give you the infomation you need to make an informed choice about HaloTherapy as an alternative.

Salt Therapy
          TrainingThis course covers:   

A Great Course with a Great Value - HaloTherapy Training is just $25. - Signup

Now there is a alternative for HaloTherapy Training. The SunFocus Halotherpy course requires only a couple of hours to complete and costs just $25; compared to others that cost hundreds of dollars and require a very significant investment of your time.

This course covers the delivery of Dry Salt Therapy services; Wet Salt Therapy is overviewed but not covered in detail.  Both "Active" and "Passive" Salt Therapy environments are covered.